We practice a number of medical disciplines from Acupuncture, Microcurrent & Craniosacral..
We will help you find relief and healing but we will also help you discover the root cause of your pain and illness.
Gu Syndrome is the classical Chinese medical term for the identification and treatment of parasitic and pathogenic disease. This includes Lyme disease, chronic viral or bacterial infection, Heavy Metal Poisoning, and Parasitology. Find out how we treat these illnesses.
Some of the conditions that we treat with acupuncture are: Fibromyalgia, Joint pain, Neck pain, Back pain, Shoulder pain, Knee pain, Headaches (Chronic and Acute), Anxiety, Depression, High Blood Pressure, GI conditions/illnesses, Lyme's disease, Pediatric conditions and so much more!
Functional Medicine at the Siloam Center for Traditional and Integrative Medicine begins with a one-on-one visit where we will sit with you and assess where you are in your journey toward health. We will do the hands-on examination including medical history, current lab work, physical examination, Chinese pulse diagnosis, applied kinesiology and may refer you to one of our outside partners for more specific lab work. We will explain to you the root causes of your health crisis from both an Oriental Medical perspective and a Western, Biomedical perspective. We will then work with you to develop a protocol of treatment that works for you to bring healing and restoration to your body.
Nambudrapod's Allergy Elimination Technique is a non-invasive, drug-free means of treating allergies. Only one allergen is treated at a time and depending on the patient's presentation, it may take one to many treatments to effectively desensitize the body of an allergy. Due to the nature of this medicine, a group of basic nutrients are treated prior to treating for specific allergens. NAET is also a great means of treating children for viruses and infection.
Our focus is Family Practice. This means that we offer services to help keep your family's health and wellness in peak form, from the very young to the very old. We understand the physiological struggles of each phase of life and we are here to help you thrive.
We will work with you to discover the root cause of your injury or illness using our extensive training in acupuncture and Oriental Medicine as well as Functional Medicine. You don't have to live with pain, anxiety or chronic illness. You have a choice for healing!
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Therapy (Oriental Medicine) have been effectively treating patients for millennia. Our Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine offers its many thousand years of patient care expertise, coupled with modern research and biomedical training to offer you a very unique and clear understanding of your body. Our Oriental Medical Practitioners are medically licensed undergoing continual training to provide you the expert care and biomedically based care that we have become known for. We are able to work with your current healthcare providers to maximize your recovery time and help you to achieve the best in health and wellness.